Which of these two acts will be more likely to shape and make a better America?
1) Sacrificing your life in service to your country,
2) Sacrificing a half-hour of your time in a voting booth?
Please vote.
PS: I think that being a part of the American military is a very important, noble, awe-inspiring thing. This is not meant to be a diss on our servicemen. You people rock.
What's an even more important important, noble, awe-inspiring thing?
A serviceman/woman that votes.
very true.
Especially because they have to go through the absentee ballot process, right? That would be discouraging, especially in the face of what's happened with those things.
But that doesn't mean we give up. :)
Ok! Please help this sad citizen who neglects to vote. My fear of voting is I have a terrible time keeping track of the current candidates and issues. How do I find accurate, truthful information?
Janelle-- do you have an opportunity to listen to the radio on a regular basis?
I LOVE NPR. That's where I get a lot of my info. IF something I hear on NPR interests me, I look it up and scan for info on what I find. I think even just ten minutes or so of NPR per day really helps.
Let's see-- other ways would be to follow the current presidential race through searching the different names on the internet and reading the various articles on them. The presidential race will really reflect the political environment, for the most part. (when it doesn't delve into petty mudslinging.)
I'm going to do a post soon on the presidential hopefuls.
I know where you're at, though. For a while I felt like I was way too busy to worry about politics and voting. Sigh.
Hey! Thanks for the tips =) I use to listen to NPR (even though they're a little more towards the liberal than neutral side in my opinion). For almost six months I haven't been able to get that station in my car save in four or five intersections. It's weird.
yup, they can be pretty liberal. Try the program, "it's all politics." It's every friday for about 15 minutes and you can download it into winamp. And they're a little less liberal, and dang FUNNY.
You might like that one.
That "I just voted" feeling is priceless. On the other hand, that "I just got a bullet in my butt" feeling isn't quite as charming...
Well, I listen to 950AM; Rush, Sean and Michel.
I've always taken voting seriously. Even when I've been sick, I've made sure to vote by absentee ballot.
I missed some of your comments on my blog until today. I've been out of it for over a week with a sick husband and child, but we're coming up for air now.
To answer your questions, I have no idea why people use purple and green for celtic themes (a really useful answer, I know). And, the outfit I had Reilly in was something my oldest sister had picked up years ago. She collects old fashioned coats and these riding outfits fit Reilly perfectly.
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