Sep 4, 2010

I lost...

I lost at age of empires last night...

and now I need to win.


dave l said...

I would just like to point out that I'm pretty sure we would have won if Skywalker's connection hadn't died. We were that close....

Unknown said...

we were pretty close.

Made it that much more of a bummer :(

We were thinking... next time let's do 3 of us, and one computer opponent.

No handicaps.

On expert.

Putz said...

has anyone here played, risk>>>i know it is an old game but i alwyas used to sdominate although once mike beat the pants off me

Dave L said...

That seems like it might be a little too easy.... I just took 5 experts by myself (100% handicap) on New England (I ran and hid on the island).

Maybe 2 experts with no handicap? If we can hold the initial rush, we'll do just fine.

And yes, the fact that we are discussing this on your blog is officially the low-point of my geekdom for today. :-)