Apr 10, 2008

two things that could be good

So, We have saved up all the money for the adoption, including paperwork, etcetera. Celebration time!!

now we need to save for the actual travel. Plan on being done with that in about August. Then we can move on with our lives and start planning on buying a house... a van... contributing to our retirement... investing in the stock market...

the other thing is, Friendship can be exhausting. I love people too thoroughly and am iron-cladly loyal, and so when it hurts, it HURTS. But when it's good, it's GOOD. Long term is the only kind of friendship I can ever have.

Sorry so random. I am tired and sleep deprived, I am currently treating infections in 4 different ears. My baby wakes up a lot. I haven't had a nap in 3 days.

Another thing that could be good: Motherhood.


Putz said...

i am sorry for your sleep depravation....i love that you still take time to elevate us as busy as you are away from the computer, show you are a blog adict...i am blogging and yet my dad's funneral is monday, so i'm a blog adict...thanks for the two things that ARE and Will be good

Anonymous said...

hi, talking about friendship, you have made friends with my brother Tony, and my father, Mr. P. and
Shel my sister-in-law, and have been to visit my blog once, so here"s to friendship...danielbarlow,,barlowbiker.blogspot.com