Jun 22, 2006

the simple things

OK, I'm going to start out with two funny anecdotes. Yesterday, loli was playing with two girls in a big sandbox that is close to our house. The two were sisters, and they began fighting and the fight became a sand-slinging war. My daughter pipes up and says, "Hey guys, please don't fight." As polite as can be. It made me chuckle and proud of her at the same time. And also made me realize that, as she has been an only child for 4 years and her sister is only 2 months old right now, she has not experienced a fight with siblings! Or even freinds for that matter, I don't think. She hasn't ever fought with another kid. How extremely wierd. I hope she'll be normal anyway. (Just kidding, I know she'll be normal. Plus, we're looking into adopting a child closer to her age, and with a sibling that is closer to her, and therefore competitive, I'm sure fighting will occur). Anyway..

the other anecdote-- last night skywalker informed me that this new job that he has is his dream job. He then started talking about how one of his bosses blogged about all those coke and mentos experiments.

I fell asleep last night before he finished explaining why this related to his statement that the job was a dream come true. So I asked him this morning. He lookd at me like he wasn't sure why I was asking. "Well, my boss blogged about mentos and coke!" he said.

I'm so glad that the simple things in life keep my husband happy. I guess I have similar things... I like pringles. It's a good day when I can eat a half of a can of pringles... especially that new loaded-baked-potato kind.

And I just blogged about trying to create healthier meals for my family. I ought to be ashamed of myself advertising pringles on my blog like this. But seriously... loaed baked pringles will be in heaven. At least in my part of heaven.

Also, my shoes. I love my tennis shoes-- they're nike cross-trainers. And they're light blue. Can't get any better than that.

But please don't try the mentos and coke thing without watching the video ... I'd hate to be responsible for any unnacountable injuries.

Time to nurse the baby-- so I'm signing off.

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