Jun 30, 2008

New blog!

one of my secret wishes has come to pass: I have been invited to contribute to a group blog. Most of the people on this group blog were from a ward in Provo that I was in once upon a time. It is a fun blog, about a variety of philosophical topics. I just put up a post about global warming. Go check it out!


Putz said...

did you know that utah has more global worming than the whole rest of the world....according to the university of utah....i once suggested we leave the state or bomb it or something and a reader turned me in as a terrorist to blloggerville...honest, it thought i was in real trouble,,,is it true nor surf, is utah the worst at this kind of thing...you the great one would know

Unknown said...


lol. You make me feel like I must be kinda full of myself to be creating the impression I know everything. I know only a little about global warming. And all the other stuff. I'm only a little kid when it comes to life and politics. ANyway...

the only thing I can think of about Global warming and how Utah might be high on someone's list as a contributor is the fact that Coal is a big industry there. And so Utahns (especially those with a lot invested in coal) have a harder time, sometimes, when things like alternative energy sources are mentioned. Same with any state that has coal as a big resource bringing in cash flow. I for one don't blame them. At the same time, I want to be able to live without lots of tornadoes raging across my country and so, well, I've opted out of the mindset that Coal will never be replaced.

Putz said...

no, no surf it it isn't that, what it is is that you are around some pretty opinionated people and when you comment or blog you always bail me out a little , your husband, my boy ..you leave a little wiggle room, and i don't have family, or neighbors that will do that ,so when it happens i gain a whole lot of confidence in that person

Anonymous said...

Congrats. I'm sure you'll have as much (or more) to offer this group as they have to offer you. You're a great writer with good ideas and an understanding heart.