Sep 11, 2006


I think that probably a lot of people will be blogging about Sept 11th today, most of whom are more qualified than I am to do so.

I will say one thing, though... my friend had her baby right as the WTC collapsed. So for her, today is a celebration... sort of. How must it feel to be celebrating something while the rest of the world is in mourning, I wonder? I'd ask her but I don't know her phone number anymore.

At any rate, I feel an extra measure of heaviness today. I think it involves the sadness of so many lives lost, so many people who served their country that day suffering physical difficulty as a result of what they did, so many families left behind, etc.

They're singing the song, "all you need is love" in central park today as a memorial.

I love that song. I wish I could be there to sing it with them. I think that the very best way to memorialze someone or something important to you is to have an extra measure of love and understanding for those around you.


Joy said...

Its funny, I have a friend who celebrates her birthday today. She refused to celebrate it the first couple of years after 9/11, and I don't really blame her, especially since she lived out here in the DC area. However, I think the people killed on that day wouldn't want us to forget, but to maybe celebrate life on that day. It seems crazy, but 9-11 will eventually be treated as Pearl Harbor is now.

Unknown said...

You're probably right.

Thus, "Patriots Day."

Maybe Bush is smart about one or two things. :p

Fred said...

It is amazing how many posts are out there today. I've enjoyed reading all of them.

Lucy Stern said...

We have a friend whose daughter was in the World Trade center when the plane it. Her brother has his birthday today also. He said that now his birthday will always be on a day of saddness.

I remember getting an email that showed Heavenly Father with is arms outstretched as his children assended to Heaven. On a positive note, just think how many people could have been killed if more people had not escaped the building? We never know how we are going to die, so who knows.

keesh said...

I watched a 9/11 special last night. it just seems so unreal still. It is so sad. at the same timee, the wives of some of the men on Flight 93 were interviewed and they just seemed so at peace with the fact that their spouses were in a better place. it is all so sad to be though. I can't imagine being there or having lost family that day...

Unknown said...

It's amazing to me how each person seems connected with the WTC personally, somehow... even if it's one or two degrees removed, it was an impactful event in everyone's life.

I watched that special, too. The end of it, at least. It's just so hard to ingest... even five years later. And yet it brought out some of the most amazing things in people-- people did things that they didn't know they could.

Anonymous said...

I didn't blog about it. Not that it wasn't in our thoughts or that we're insensitive, but sometimes people just have nothing to say, which is how i feel.

We were also in the midst of going to court for guardianship, and won, so it will be a day of celebration for us, as well as sorrow.

Unknown said...


I didn't have much to say either, I don't think anyone would consider that insensitive.

Guardianship of one of your children?

I only ask becausae Skywalker and I just went thru the process of him formally adopting Loli.

(yay, us!!)